Usually after a prolonged hiatus on this blog I find some inspiration to write about a topic fresh on my mind or in the news. Only this time, however, I must bid farewell.
I recently began work at a news organization, and as such, will be suspending writing about subjects that I actively cover because of the potential of conflicts of interest and of course because I need to devote my energies to my employer. It's a sad thing but also a necessary thing in the world of journalism, where reporters should be held to higher standards of independence and balance. I hope to blog again in the future, but for now the elastic thinker is going on a bit of a sabbatical.
This was an enjoyable experiment in the blogosphere. While I had few readers, I would be remiss if I didn't thank consider, evaluate, act, Luc in Progress, and the budding anthropod for their loyalty and dedicated readership. For those of you who are reading this, I highly recommend you add them to your feeds as they cover some interesting subjects in British politics, science and environmental policy, sustainable development and other issues concisely and intelligently.
Thanks for your support, all!
4 years ago